Kirby Fugelseth

Family Resource Coordinator

Kirby is a born and raised Washingtonian and grew up “in the sticks” as they say, in a small town in Eastern Washington. She moved to Seattle in 2019 for a change of scenery and has loved the cooler and calmer weather, even the rain.

Kirby is inspired by her mom’s work as an occupational therapist and has also dedicated her career to supporting the disability community. Kirby started her work for the disability community in 2009 as a volunteer advocating for inclusive and accessible classrooms.

Driven by her passion for accessibility and inclusion, Kirby became a PAX tools educator supporting families with strategies to promote self-regulation through a trauma informed lens. Kirby has worked in a variety of nonprofits aiding individuals with disabilities through resource programs, supported employment and mentorship programs.

When not working, you can find Kirby on the track playing roller derby or at home working on a new upcycle project. She also enjoys gardening, learning about herbalism, reading, and planning her next adventure.