Donate Today
Spring is here, and The Big Blue Truck can help with your spring cleaning. Bring the clothes you no longer wear to a donation station or Big Blue Bin near you. Don’t forget small household items.
It’s easy. Bag it or box it, then drop it off. You can find your closest donation site on The Big Blue Truck website.
You’ll have cleaner closets. And your donations will help fund programs run by Northwest Center – The Big Blue Truck’s parent organization – that serve children and adults with disabilities. That’s because BBT sells your donations to Value Village, and profits fund Northwest Center programs, including inclusive early learning programs where children with disabilities can learn and thrive like any other child. (Learn more about Northwest Center’s work over the last half century to build an inclusive world on its website.)
Simply drop off clothing, other textiles (think bedspreads, curtains, and sheets), shoes, and small household items. Bring that old toaster that’s sitting idle in your kitchen or other small household items.
If you go to one of our four attended locations, a Big Blue Truck team member will take your donations and answer your questions. You can even receive a tax deduction for your donations; we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
You’ll drive away knowing you’re helping build a more inclusive world. Want to know more? Here’s how donations helped one family.
Gavin’s Story
Imagine being expelled from school when you’re not even old enough to go to kindergarten. Gavin was expelled when he was 14 months old.
“Gavin’s daycare said that if he wasn’t crawling at 18 months, he would be kicked out,” his mom, Kate, said.
So, Gavin’s physical therapist recommended Northwest Center Kids.
“It’s much more inclusive,” Kate says. “When I would pick Gavin up from the original daycare, the other children were crawling and walking, and he would often be by himself. At Northwest Center, he’d be playing with the other children.”

Gavin began walking at age two, “and now he’s running and jumping and climbing,” Kate says. “He’s really loving school.”
Gavin’s family found Northwest Center’s inclusive preschool, but many children can’t. That’s why Northwest Center created IMPACT™, a program that provides training and support to other child care centers so they can welcome children with special needs up to age five.
Just three months after IMPACT launched, the team added 12 local early learning providers to its roster of partners. Six months in, they were halfway to a goal of reaching 6,000 children in King County – a goal initially projected to take three years.
This is the difference you make when you donate to The Big Blue Truck or do business with any of Northwest Center’s other businesses, such as OneNorth Integrated Facility Solutions (building services) and Lithtex NW (printing).
So, let The Big Blue Truck help with your spring cleaning, and make it easy to do good in the world.